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Marie Stopes Vasectomy Clinic operates within Brunker Road medical Centre.

Click on the following links:

To book a vasectomy 

For information about vasectomy

Providing the community with a range of high quality health practitioners.

Focusing on :

Preventive Health,

Primary Care,

Womens Health,

Gynaecology and Ultrasound.

Vasectomy (Marie Stopes)

Ear CLinic

Skin Clinic


Early Childhood Nurses


Parent Craft

Providing the community with a range of services aimed at Mothers and Babies

Provided by Experienced Registered Early Childhood Nurses, Midwives, GPs,

 and a Psychiatrist, Dr Cath Faehrmann

Focusing on :


Feeding - Both breast and formula

Parent Craft

Developmental Assessment

Depression related to pregnancy and the

post natal period

Other services include:

Contraception, including Oral, Implanon,

Mirena and Copper IUDs



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